Sunday, October 18, 2009

Let’s find out more about God thru’ the BIBLE.

I was a good girl. I was loved dearly by my parents and friends and my teachers had all good things to say about me. I was happy. I had achieved much in life and I had nothing to complain about. But one day, I got the question: Are you really happy? This question changed my life. I realized as I kept seeking that we are not really happy but we just feel happy when our desires are met or a pleasant surprise springs up...

The question challenged me to be REALLY happy, to REALLY love people around me, to REALLY have peace, to REALLY be kind and patience...

If you ask this question to yourself you will realize that we do not control our situations or our life rather situation controls us. We are happy when people praise us even for our wrong doings but we feel sad if people deface us for the good things we do. Inner happiness and for that matter genuine happiness springs from having the courage to smile and say I am not angry even when people try to pull you down.

Well, I am not speaking something that is new. I am speaking something that is age old and since it is so old people do not care about it. I am speaking about the power to have control over your happiness. Who doesn’t want to be happy always!!! Everybody does and so can you when you realize how valuable you are to God and how God has planned all happiness for you. I do not have answers to all the questions that I had earlier but each day I find answers and I know one day I will have all the answers.

Through this, I want to share with you my journey through the BIBLE – the most awesome story about you and me and everyone in the world; and my journey with JESUS – the only LORD, GOD and SAVIOUR given to all mankind. And the most awesome thing about JESUS is that HE is the most awesome friend you can ever have who loves you just the way you are; who has an amazing way of making insignificant people become significant and special and at the same time who also has the power to grant control over your happiness.

Every day we will be discussing something from the NEW TESTAMENT and we’ll try to find out how it holds true in our life and today’s world as well and finally we’ll end with a prayer. I would be very glad if you join me in this journey towards perfection and towards heaven.

We may not know each other but I am sure that journeying together we’ll surely meet in HEAVEN. Happy journey till then...

1 comment:

  1. "Being really happy" is a puzzle. Discovering what is "real" and what is "happiness" might take a lifetime.I think this blog may help me unravel the puzzle.

    Good job Smitha. Wish you a happy blogging experience.
